My labour was really quick-4.5hrs and I got to hospital just in time to deliver our baby boy within 30mins. I was already fully dilated and I think the baby had already dropped down. My obstetrician made it in time and everything went really well. As it was such a quick labour I didn’t have any drugs which is a testament of the TENS machine. When my contractions were around 2-3 minutes apart, I asked my husband to put the pads on me and it was the only pain relief I had throughout my entire labour. I held onto that TENS machine for dear life and I really think it saved me. It gave me something to focus on and the rhythmic beating was somewhat soothing even when things got really bad. My husband at some point tried to get me into the bath and I reluctantly let him take the machine off but as soon as the next contraction came, I knew I didn’t want that machine off me no matter what. I ended up having it on the whole time even during the second stage and it wasn’t until everything was over that I realised I still had it on. I remember struggling to walk to the birthing suite and having to pause for the contractions but I wouldn’t let go of the machine!


Just thought I’d share my experience. I was surprised that it helped me and I was really really really glad to have had it since I did most of the laboring at home and I don’t think gentle massage, bath would have helped as much.


[ilink url=””]Read more about using TENS in labour here[/ilink] [hr]

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