If you’re considering buying or hiring a labour TENS machine, you might be wondering when you should plan on using it. TENS machines are a fantastic medicine-free pain reliever for labour. Knowing when and how to use your TENS machine in labour is a must for ensuring pain relief. Here’s how and when to use a TENS machine for labour.

When should I start using my TENS machine in labour?

You should begin using your TENS machine as soon as soon as possible. Labour TENS machines work to both prevent pain signals from reaching your brain, and to encourage your body to release endorphins. When you begin feeling contractions – even while the pain is manageable – you should start using it. Starting this process as early as possible means you should feel less pain overall during labour.

TENS machine reviews
Our TENS machines help reduce pain during labour by blocking pain signals to the brain and by helping boost endorphins.

How often should I use my TENS machine in labour?

Use your TENS machine as much as possible during labour. Focus on increasing intensity during contractions, and leave it on throughout labour. The more you use it, the more effective it will be in labour. If you’re labouring in the water, you should not use your TENS machine. You can use your TENS machine between sessions in the shower, tub, or birthing pool – just make sure your back is dried completely before reapplying the electrode pads.

How long should I use my TENS machine in labour?

You should use your TENS machine as long as possible during labour – and as long as you want after you give birth. It can help with pain during delivery of the placenta, and it will not interfere with early breastfeeding during the Golden Hour. TENS machines have not been found to interfere with the procedure of stitching tears, should you need this (if you have concerns about TENS machines and post-delivery operations, you should ask your care provider).

Tens machine for labour afterpains. Shown is mother holding newborn baby.

TENS machine for labour afterpains

The TENS machine is an effective pain relief for afterpains in the days following labour. You can use your it to help with pain you might experience from contractions as your uterus returns to it’s original size in the days after giving birth. If you can, have someone help set up yourTENS machine before you breastfeed as you will be more likely to feel cramping and contractions while you feed your baby.

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