We love hearing your real life birth stories – Tanya contacted us to share hers, and to let us know how helpful she found hiring a Spectra DEW 350 Breast pump after her baby, Ella, was born.
Tanya wrote:
First time mum here and what an amazing and crazy experience!!!
I had my bloody show on the Saturday and mild contractions started on Sunday morning. Monday, I felt my contractions were getting stronger and were becoming regular, but I was still able to walk, talk and continue on with my day as normal. At 12:50am, I felt and heard a pop, and then felt a warm gush of liquid flow into my maternity pad. Contractions became stronger and more painful and so we headed to the hospital at 2:20am for monitoring and to double check that my waters had definitely broken. This was confirmed, but we were sent home as the midwife thought I was not in established labour yet. My contractions weren’t lasting that long and the midwife thought I was coping well.
On the way home, the contractions started to become more painful and were lasting longer. We had only just got home at 4:30am, when I felt the contractions get stronger again and I felt I really needed to push! I jumped in the shower and then thought I might need to go to the toilet so I jumped out of the shower and onto the toilet as the contractions hit harder. I quickly called out to my partner, who had just fallen asleep, and he came running to help me get dressed, got me into the car as fast as he could and we headed back to the hospital at about 5:45am. I was checked immediately and turns out I was already 10cm dilated!!
The Obstetrician and midwife gave me the OK to push with contractions and out popped Ella at 6:08am. 15 minutes of pushing! No tearing, just a graze and no drugs whatsoever. There was no time for anything!!
I could not be happier with how labour went, even though I was scared I was going to have her at home!! ? I hired a Spectra Dew 350 breast pump from Sweet Beats a few weeks after my daughter was born, and my only regret was that I didn’t hire it earlier on when I was breastfeeding! It worked really well – it was more powerful than my portable Spectra 9 plus which was perfect for my needs – I was heading back to work and needed to pump as much milk as possible. Thanks again Sweet Beats.