Pregnant Mum Dances ‘Thriller’ To Induce Labour
This week, the internet again got ‘broke’ with Bonnie Northsea’s awesome video of herself dancing ‘Thriller’ by Michael Jackson. 40 weeks pregnant, Bonnie had heard that dancing Thriller would induce labour for sure. I wish I could dance that well when pregnant! (or even now!)
A-twerking until the waters are a-breakin!
Okay, dancing definitely got something going for this pregnant mum… and looks like she had fun, too! Be warned – NSFW! (not suitable for small children, either! Mine loved it, but there’s some swearing at the end…).
On Stage, Heavily Pregnant & Crushes It Dancing Hip Hop
Remember this one from the Ellen Show? Well done to this woman for getting up on stage and showing that us women can still work it even when we’re about as aerodynamic as a stuffed couch!
Bellydancing With Twins
And then of course, there’s bellydancing, which has its origins in assisting women with childbirth. This is actually fascinating to watch and gave me a new appreciation for the way the abdomen accommodates pregnancy:
Beautiful Pregnant Traditional Bellydancing Mama
And here’s another beautiful pregnant bellydancing mama, with a very proud toddler in the background:
Amazing 9 1/2 Months Pregnant & Leading Zumba
And now look at this awesome woman teaching a Zumba class at 9 1/2 months pregnant! Wow!
Just more proof that a pregnant woman’s body is a wonderful and powerful thing! Hope you enjoyed this and keep moving – whatever level you’re comfortable with, enjoy your body right now 🙂